Wednesday 4 February 2015

A Letter of Hope


I recently met a girl online who is going through a very difficult time in her life. She self harms and has an eating disorder. She confided in me, telling me her feelings and the things that are happening in her life. Her situation is difficult, and one that I did not know how to help her with. I felt helpless as I opened up the images that she would send me of her slit wrists. I told her a countless number of times that whatever happened was only temporary, but every time I said this, I was met with, 'Nothing will get better, my life is permanently terrible. The only way for this to get better is for me to kill myself.' What could I do to help her? I have never experienced anything like what is was going through. The idea of a young life being taken away broke my heart and I knew I had to do something. In a moment of desperation, I did the only thing that I knew how, I wrote.

This is the letter that I wrote:

I don't know what it feels like to be in your situation, I don't know the solution, but I do know that nobody should be made to feel unhappy or worthless. We all have the right to happiness and I hate to see that happiness being taken away. Life is full of ups and downs and it is so easy to forget all of the good things in life when there seems to be so many bad things happening, but I promise you that whatever it is, it will get better.  Please don't tell yourself that things will stay this way forever, because the only certain thing in this universe is change. I'm not saying it will fix all your problems, but if you think positively about the situation, it becomes so much easier. Wake up every morning and smile, even if its forced, even if it hurts. You can do this, and you will do this. You are stronger than you think, and when it feels like the whole world is against you, the strongest thing that you can do is get back up on your feet and show them that they can't break you. Use all of your energy to find the good things in life and remember that no matter what happens, you are always moving forward and growing as a person.  Life is amazing, and if you push through this, there will be light at the end of the tunnel, I promise.

I was once told, holding thoughts inside of yourself is like holding a bag of marbles at arms length. That bag of marbles is light and easy to carry at first, but the longer you hold onto it, the heavier it becomes, until it feels like your arm is about to break off. But by telling somebody how you are feeling, you drop a few of those marbles out of the bag, and little by little, the bag gets lighter and easier to carry. 

Its hard to see people going through difficult times and not know how to help them be okay again, but I know that you are strong enough to get through this, because every time you wanted so badly to give up, something inside of you made you fight just a little bit harder. 

I know that this letter is not a solution, but I hope that it gives you strength and hope. 

Know that everything happens for a reason, and you were put on this Earth with a purpose.

If you have any questions, comments, requests or tips, please leave them in the comments below.

That's all from me,

Dancer Free xx

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